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The Ideas behind the design of “Resilient-Honeycomb-Structures” designed by our neighborhood honey bee.

A honey bee has a brain size of one rice grain. In comparison, the human brain is 20,000 times this size.
Mathematician Thomas Hales, finally proved the honeycomb conjecture.
In a 2019 interview, Hales said that ultimately, “A hexagonal honeycomb is the way to fit the most area with the least perimeter”.
And SPACE-efficiency isn’t the only benefit of building with hexagons.
Stacked together, hexagons fill spans in an offset arrangement with six short walls around each “tube,” giving structures a high compression STRENGTH.
Read more of the 2019 interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7edkFs8Vu1E 
Browse more at https://asknature.org/strategy/honeycomb-structure-is-space-efficient-and-strong/ 

The ideas behind the making of “Durable-Pothole-GridMats”
“PotHoleRaja” a not-for-profit enterprise is filling potholes across 10 Indian cities, since 2016. Mostly carrying out road maintenance inside private properties. It has apparently been inspired by one of the biological-design-strategies. To solve a common recurring problem on the Bengaluru roads.
A 12-member team from PotHoleRaja has now DESIGNED ‘GridMats’, a honeycomb structure recycled from polypropylene waste.
This can go under the surface of the road as reinforcement to absorb and distribute the vehicular load evenly.
“When used with fillings, its load-bearing capacity is over 1,000 metric tonnes, equal to the weight of three Boeings,” says co-founder Sourabh Kumar.
Side Note:- Building cross slopes and drains along the edges to remove the rainwater may be best ways to prevent “Pot holes”.
Read more at https://www.deccanherald.com/metrolife/metrolife-your-bond-with-bengaluru/this-bengaluru-group-repairs-potholes-across-india-1053848.html 

The 7 Questions to Turn Ideas in your domain into Action, from the above case-stories in two unrelated domains:
1. In which of your critical tasks do you currently notice “pot holes“?
2. What SPACE and TIME constraints are on the path of your customers, users journey making it harder and slower for them ?
3. Do you have elemental and extensible structures made from your domain frameworks, industry standards, important rules, mental models, ecosystem maps, frameworks, technical tips, action strategies, detail diagrams?
4. What real “pothole” narratives, environment information, situational snippets, solution heuristics, unstructured individual insights can you quickly capture and organize ?
5. What combination of the above answers will you use to design “unique honeycomb” like structures with enough space ?
6. Can the infra and super structures bear the potential heavy load of your existing and future customers?
7. What daily hard skill practices can you embed in your new-old-part-full-time team to make them STRONG and FIT enough to design infra and super structures ?

Today, Enterprise teams need to notice the recurring experience of successes, uncertainties, problems, risks, opportunities, obstacles, issues, bugs, fixes in their own, customers, users domain pathways. They should make sense of the realities of their world so that they can act in it. They must shape and turn ordinary ideas to specific breakthrough actions. By design, they must increase the space and strength of their unique solution structures. They must imagine and fit “extensible super structures” to their products, services. These are critical prerequisites in order to make your customers work SMOOTH and FAST.

Source Links: deccanherald.com, asknature.org

Promantia Global Consulting LLP advises, guides and supports enterprise teams using the below strategies to Turn Ideas into Action
1. shaping ideas by mining, refining, framing, repurposing, combining.
2. validating ideas through specific probes and expert responses in your domain.
3. implementing ideas using cross-industry business solution patterns.