+91-6363 1975 63 consulting@promantia.com

About Promantia Consulting

Who are we and What we do !
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About Us

Promantia Global Consulting LLP was formed with a vision to provide services focussed around assessments, consulting, education insights to client organisations who want to scale up their business performance. We have expertise handling large, complex projects, assignments at multiple locations around the world including Australia, Singapore, Mexico, New Zealand, Serbia, Romania.

We at Promantia, are passionate about assessing and implementing project and knowledge management processes at client organizations to enable, make the flow of knowledge efficient and effective within organizations.

Our primary focus is on organizations that are heavily dependent on their unique product, service knowledge which they use as one of their important raw material for sensing complex situations, solving complicated problems, making wise decisions, taking timely actions.

For Agile projects in the software industry, we have conducted retrospective learning sessions, where we have applied leading techniques like Kepner-Tregoe, TRIZ to identify critical knowledge, extract knowledge and discover insights from teams, organisations.

In the corporate and financial services industry, we are jointly working with our esteemed client on a challenging Knowledge Management project to bridge the gap between experts and learners in a dynamic, chaotic, volatile environment.

For client organizations and individuals, we have conducted over 25+ training sessions on project planning, execution and management and enabled trainees to complete the PMP certification (awarded by PMI, USA). Among our clients are Hindustan Lever, Credit Suisse, TCS, DRDO, Oracle.

Our People

Tony Zacharia

Senior Consultant and Designated Partner

Tony has more than 20 years in the Banking, Computer Software Industry. He worked for companies such as ANZ Bank, iflex-solutions and Oracle. Before joining Promantia, he was QA Director, Oracle. He is also a registered PMP (Project Management Professional).

Dinesh Shenoy

Designated Partner

Dinesh has more than 20 years in the Financial Services, Computer Software, Education Industry. He worked for companies such as Infosys, ANZ, Thomson Reuters and Barclays Capital. He is the co-author of Maintenance Resources Management – Adapting MRP, published by Taylor & Francis, London, 1998.
He is also co-author of Problems & Solutions in Inventory Management, published by Springer, 2017. He is also a registered PMP (Project Management Professional).

Hari Madhavan

Designated Partner

Hari has more than 20 years of experience in Information Technology and has held senior technology positions in several companies including ANZ Bank and Thomson Financial. Before joining Promantia, he was a Principal Consultant at Thoughtworks.

Our Vision

Vision1: Build Leaders

Leaders currently, need to lead organisations moving through a world volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity. They need to resolve complex challenges, make fast decisions to collaborate and influence people across boundaries of government authorities, private firms, in house departments, external regulators and multiple industries. They need the discipline to make the plans happen and the creativity to design solutions as they arise.

We have a vision to build leaders within our client organizations, who are good at acquiring and using multiple mindsets, skillsets and toolsets to lead in complex situations.

Vision2: Solve Problems

Individuals in the current economy have to resolve old problems that others have faced and solve new problems that have never occurred in the past, due to the breakthrough inventions, discoveries and changes that have touched every industry and domain.

We have a vision to use world’s best practice problem solving techniques like Kepner Tregoe, TRIZ, to enable client organizations to find root causes of tough problems, to think creatively when facing obstacles, to continuously increase useful effects and reduce harmful effects of each task.

Vision3: Generate Insights

Each individual has more than 20,000 thoughts in a given day and when its multiplied by the organization strength, the number of ideas generated in an organization is huge even on a single given day.

We have a vision to convert these individual, team, organization thoughts base into actionable insights, wise decisions, breakthrough actions, so that client organizations are many steps ahead to produce innovative products and services.